Current Development Company
Current Development, LLC was just a dream for many years. It became reality after the countless hours of hard-work and determination created an opportunity, and the risk associated with not doing it became higher than the risk of going for it. We are committed to bringing the same hard work and determination to every project, in part because our investment in this company is highly personal, but more so because that’s just who we are and what we believe is the correct and honorable way to operate. We believe helping YOU be successful will help keep our dream alive and thriving.

Court Borgman, Lead Architect
Court received his degree in Computer Information Systems from Ferris State University. He has worked in a number of IT settings, gaining experience and learning the most efficient ways to solve industry problems.
Once he sets his mind on a goal, he gives his all toward accomplishing it, and he feels incredibly grateful to be given the unique privilege to be passionate about his work and treat that with the same determination he does everything else.

Rachel Borgman, Administrative Manager
Rachel received her degree in Supply Chain Management from Michigan State University. She has worked in corporate settings and been a stay-at-home mother, all of which helped prepare her for administrative tasks and coming up with creative solutions. She enjoys making up her own version of recipes, and would put almost anything into a spreadsheet or to-do list if she could.